Hebrews 13:5
Stay away from the love of money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, "I will never fail you. I will never forsake you."There was a farmer who went to pay his rent to his money-loving landlord. The farmer asked his landlord if he could see all of the money that the landlord had hoarded inside his safe. With great pride, the landlord opened his safe and showed the farmer how much he'd accumulated. After looking at the stacks of cash inside the safe, the farmer said to his landlord, “Now that I've seen your money, I've realized that you and I have something in common because all you do is look at the money without using it, and I just did the same exact thing.” God has blessed you with gifts and riches that ought to be used. Don't store them up for your own purposes or desires. Use those things that God has given you for the purposes He has designed for His glory. Life’s short and one day you’re going to leave it all behind. Money just doesn’t make a very good master, but it does make a pretty good servant.

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