There is a path
before each person
that seems right,
but it ends in death.

Have you ever tried to do the right thing the wrong way? How would you even know if your choice were the right one? The best of intentions are usually at the heart of our decisions, but even with the best of intentions the results could end up being wrong. In 1912, one of the builders of the Titanic publicly said, “God Himself could not sink this ship.” Naively, the public believed that the ship was actually unsinkable and upon the Titanic's very first journey the captain had to give the order to abandon ship. 1,515 men, women, and children perished that day on a ship deemed unsinkable by man. Ultimately, we just can’t boast about the things we do and we’ve really got to acknowledge that man's minds are limited. Do you want to try to do the right thing the right way? A really good start would be to ask our all-knowing God what to do and then to read the Word for guidance.

GOD has SUPRA-logic!
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