2 Corinthians 9:10
For God is the one who gives seed
to the farmer and then bread to eat.
In the same way, he will give you
many opportunities to do good,
and he will produce a great harvest
of generosity in you.

One of our church members takes every opportunity to share the Word of God and the good news of Jesus with her co-workers by giving them Godly advice when they seek advice. She also manages to squeeze in a little prayer time for her co-workers during her lunch breaks. With these little actions she was able to plant the seedling of God’s Word in her colleague's hearts. For now, she is still sowing the seeds of Love, but later on her harvest time will come. Jesus taught us in Matthew 9:37-38 that, “The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields." If you want to reap a great harvest in your life, take the time to wisely share the Word of God with those around you. But always remember that to be a harvester for God, you’ve got to be working in His vineyard.

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