In the same way,
let your good deeds
shine out for all to see,
so that everyone will
praise your heavenly Father.

There's a story that was told to me about about a sick passenger traveling to India by ship. From his cabin down below, the sickly man heard someone yell out, “Man overboard!” Because he was sick and weak, he wasn’t able to go on deck to help, but he took his cabin light and held it near the window so that it might shine on the open water. A little while after, he heard relieved men yelling, “It’s all right. He’s safe.” The next day the sickly passenger was told that it was his timely little lamp that provided the only light on the water that helped the fallen man to see the safety rope that was thrown to him. Always take the opportunity to let your little light shine on because a little thing can be a big thing whenever God gets involved.

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