Tell those who are rich in this world
not to be proud and not to trust in
their money, which will soon be gone.
But their trust should be in the
living God, who richly gives us
all we need for our enjoyment.

Ray O. Jones said that the dollar bill actually speaks and that when it speaks it says:
You hold me in your hand and call me yours.Money is a wonderful servant, but a truly awful master. Ultimately, you've got to personally trust the living God and not your riches because it's impossible to serve two masters. Think about it, if you're caught up in the pursuit of money, riches and power, you're really a slave and your master is money. Flip it around so that your master is God and your servant is money.
Yet may I not as well call you mine.
See how easily I rule you?
To gain me, you would all but die.
I am invaluable as rain, essential as water.
Without me, men and institutions would die.
Yet I do not hold the power of life for them;
I am futile without the stamp of your desire.
I go nowhere unless you send me.
I keep strange company.
For me, men mock, love, and scorn character.
Yet, I am appointed to the service of saints,
to give education to the growing mind and
food to the starving bodies of the poor.
My power is terrific.
Handle me carefully and wisely,
lest you become my servant,
rather than I yours.

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