If we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.

Supreme Court records tell us that Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, in a 1998 dissenting opinion said that the, “Scrutiny of another's trash is contrary to commonly accepted notions of civilized behavior. A search of trash, like a search of the bedroom, can relate intimate details about health and personal hygiene... as well as financial and professional status, political affiliations and inclinations, private thoughts, personal relationships and romantic interests.” God would love to clean out all the garbage that we've personally accumulated in our lives. However, because of the free will He has granted us, He won’t intrude on our right to choose what we accumulate, whether or not it may or may not be garbage. You have to choose to take out your own trash and He’ll be just and faithful to cleanse us from all the dirt that's left behind with the blood of the Lamb. It's your choice and He'll faithfully be there for you when you make your decision. All you have to do is decide and choose.

AMEN! And happy holidays!
Amen! What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus <3
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