Isaiah 46:4
I will be your God throughout your lifetime — until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.This is a heart melting love letter from God to us. How do you think a woman might feel if a suitor whispered the same promises with truthfulness and honesty? She’d probably feel like her soulmate had been found. I once read that during the early days of Walt Disney's studio, there was a young lady working for him that never cashed her paychecks. Walt had begun worrying about the situation because if she cashed all of her checks at the same time, the company might bounce a few checks. Disney decided to talk to her and he said, “It would be nice, since you seem to not need money, if you’d just tear up those checks.” Well guess what - that woman tore up the checks! In an ironic twist, Disney ended up marrying that young lady, and when she took him as her husband, she became espoused to everything that Disney had built. In a similar yet greater way, God said He would be your God throughout your entire lifetime. You can tear up your past and forget about it all because everything's been paid for by the blood of Christ. He is forever yours and you're an heir to His Kingdom.

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