Luke 24:25
“Then Jesus said to them, ‘You are such foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the prophets wrote in the Scriptures.’”I recently read a comment left by a person that didn’t believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. I wish I could say that this was a brand new challenge for me, but the reality is that even some of Jesus’ very own family members and disciples doubted Him, too. Those doubts, however, have no impact on the Truth. After the resurrection, Jesus showed Himself to some of the disciples, but it was Thomas who said that he wouldn’t believe that Jesus had risen from the dead until he could see Jesus with his own eyes and touch Christ's wounds with his own hands. In John 20:27-29 it says, “Then He said to Thomas, 'Put your finger here and see my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don't be faithless any longer. Believe!' Thomas could only respond with, 'My Lord and my God!' Then Jesus told him, 'You believe because you have seen Me. Blessed are those who haven't seen Me and believe anyway.'" If you don’t believe in Jesus as your Savior, you wouldn’t be the first person. Whatever your reasons are, however, don’t be foolish about this because Jesus said, "Blessed are those who haven’t seen Me and believe anyway." Take a leap of faith. You'll land right in His arms.

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