Psalm 126:2
We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, "What amazing things the LORD has done for them."There's a silly joke about a teacher, a garbage man and a lawyer who wound up together at the pearly gates of Heaven. Heaven's gatekeeper let the 3 men know that in order to get into Heaven, each would have to answer a question. The gatekeeper asked the teacher, "What's the name of a famous ship that sank after crashing into an iceberg? There was even a movie was made about it." The teacher answered quickly "The Titanic" and the gatekeeper let him through the gates. The gatekeeper then turned to the garbage man and asked him a tougher question: "Approximately how many people died at the sinking of the Titanic?" Fortunately for him, the trash man had just seen the movie, so he responded "About 1,500" and was immediately let through the gates. The lawyer excitedly asked, “What’s my question?” The gate keeper wryly asked, "What were the names of every person that died at the sinking of The Titanic?" I know you’re (at the very least) giggling a tiny bit. Laughter is one of the greatest mental tonics known to man. Laughter can dispel anxiety and it can help manage stress, depression, fear and worry. Laughter provides strong medical, psychological, social and even spiritual benefits. Physically, it enhances the respiratory system, helps oxygenate the body, relaxes tense muscles, and is an all-around pain killer. It will lower your pulse and blood pressure. Laughter can pave the way for a new and exciting outlook on life. It is the universal communicator that can cross all boundaries of race, culture and generations. We can always laugh and rejoice just knowing all the things that God has done for us. Laugh a little today. It's worth it!

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