Now the earth had become corrupt in God's sight,
and it was filled with violence.
God observed all this corruption in the world,
and he saw violence and depravity everywhere.

Genesis 6:11-12 holds true from the time of Noah to this very day. When men make the choice to run their affairs outside of the parameters set by God, violence becomes part of the equation on the playing field set by men. It is the shadowy part of man’s depravity. Consider the following emperors horrid decisions: Crasus, crucified 10,000 slaves at one time; Augustus, executed 30,000 for a political offense; Trajan held 10,000 death fights in the amphitheater for amusement with the slaughter lasting 123 days. Whenever man has chosen to live outside of the parameters set by God, you can surely expect violence and depravity to breakout everywhere.

amen !
we have to stay in god's side always.
Praise God, there is HEAVEN! Aint that great?
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