Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry,
but those who trust in the LORD
will never lack any good thing.

Lions have always been considered “King of the Jungle” because they’ve always lived at the top of the food chain. Few animals ever dare to challenge a lion, even during periods of extreme hunger. The Bible, however, says sometimes lions “go hungry but those who trust in the Lord will never lack any good thing.” This has been God’s design from the beginning. Genesis 2:16 says, “And the LORD God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden.’” If you’re lacking in any area of your life, then you’re lacking trust. What does that mean? It means you’ve not given your entire life over to God to manage so that he can provide all your needs. Trust Him and you’ll find yourself never lacking.

GIVE your life 2 GOD!!!
trust God, he knows whats better for you.... sometimes we doubt his greatness and try to drive our own lives and that leads to destruction and sin...... so let Jesus take the wheel=]
amen !
wowww, i needed that.
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