When I want to do good, I don't.
And when I try not to do wrong,
I do it anyway. But if I am doing
what I don't want to do,
I am not really the one doing it;
the sin within me is doing it.

At a family camp that I’d attended, a teenager approached me to ask for permission to leave the campground to smoke a cigarette. That teen was a new Christian and I knew that his flesh was likely already addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes. The Apostle Paul clearly tells us about the weakness of the flesh in Romans 7:19-20. Our body is weak because the old nature remains in us even when we have received Christ in our hearts as Savior. One day, however, God will change our sinful bodies into glorified bodies. For now the only remedy that can be prescribed to prevent falling into temptation is to make our spiritual lives strong so that we can overcome the fleshly weaknesses. Is your spiritual life strong today?

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