When was the last time you sincerely helped another person? Galatians 6:2 says, “Share each other's troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Helping another person is a rare act for today’s younger generation. I remember as a boy, if I ever saw an elderly person carrying something heavy, kids would run to help. When the elderly would cross streets, someone would assist them. A husband would open doors and pull chairs for wife, and even seat her at the dining table. There’s a story about two great painters, Apelles and Protogens from the island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean. Apelles was known to be far and away the more talented, but Protogens wanted to paint a portrait that would surpass Apelles’ brilliance. Protogens worked night and day until the painting was almost complete. Leaving home to take care of a few things, Protogens left the painting for several hours just before he was about to apply his finishing touches. While he was out and about, Apelles stepped in to help. He took a brush and added a few touches to the painting making it even more beautiful than Protogens had ever dreamed. When Protogens returned home, he was amazed at its perfection crying out, “Apelles has been here. No one could have done this but Apelles.” Helping others is God’s perfect will. Make helping others a part of who you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's true.. Jesus came on this earth to serve others and so we should sow the same love and kindness that he showed.