The authorities are sent by God to help you.
But if you are doing something wrong,
of course you should be afraid,
for you will be punished. The authorities are
established by God for that very purpose,
to punish those who do wrong.

The authorities are the institutional leaders that God has put in place. These institutions were established to provide a way to implement rules for disciplinary purposes. A person cannot be a disciple without understanding disciplines. I once read a story about a mother who went to court to pay a $55 traffic fine for her teen aged son. Before the judge, she then turned to face her son and delivered a loud resounding slap to his young face. The shocked judge quickly responded, “Madam, that calls for a $10 reduction in the fine.” The mother responded, “Oh that’s nothing, wait till I get him at home.” The cold hard truth is that when the authorities deliver discipline, the main purpose is to get people to behave properly and to live safely.

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