Therefore he is able, once and forever,
to save everyone who comes to God through him.
He lives forever to plead with God on their behalf.

History tells us that in ancient Israel, six cities were founded as cities of refuge. Anyone without malice or premeditation that had taken the life of a fellow man could take to these six cities for refuge. Once that person was inside the city walls, that person could not be touched for vengeance or judgment. Accordingly, the rabbis would once a year clear the roads leading to these cities of refuge and carefully repair them by removing all the obstacles and stones, so that men fleeing for their lives would have a clear path. In the same way, once we run to Jesus Christ for refuge and salvation, He pleads to the Father on our behalf clearing our roads of all obstacles to our forgiveness. Always remember that even though you're covered in sin, Jesus Christ is your bridge to the Father where you might find peace, rest and refuge.

so amazing <3 leaves me so humbled and and in love with Jesus!!!!
awesome! I love this!
I am reminded of a song by the Hillsong... "I Will Run To You."
We have a place to run to... and that's with Jesus! - tbj
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