Truly, O God of Israel, our Savior,
you work in strange and mysterious ways.

It’s storied that William Cowper had intended to end his life at the age of 32 by throwing himself from a bridge after drinking opium-laced tea. His plan was to drive to a bridge where he would jump to his death; however, in his drugged state and in the fogginess of the night he drove around in circles ending up back at his own doorstep. The next day, he would fall upon a knife, only to have the blade break under his weight. He even tried hanging himself, but rescuers were able to cut him down while he was unconscious, yet still alive! Later on in life, he’d found a Bible and read verses that inspired his heart. Cowper would eventually become one of the most famous hymnists ever penning the aptly titled, "God Moves In A Mysterious Way." Cowper found out in many twists of irony that he was meant to live for something more than he could ever have envisioned. Are you letting God move in mysterious ways throughout your life?

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