The godly give good advice,
but fools are destroyed
by their lack of common sense.

Have you noticed that common sense just isn’t all that common? There’s a story about a man who went to see a doctor because of some pain he was experiencing on his left foot. After a thorough examination, the doctor concluded that he has Buerger’s disease. He was advised to give up smoking. He returned to the doctor 2 years later and admitted he had not entirely given up smoking. To make matters worse, his pain was more severe. Another year later at his third visit, his condition had not changed and he was now in serious danger of losing his foot. For several years after, the man made no appearances at his doctor’s office. From the fear, the man had finally chosen to stop smoking. He was healthy again with this arteries pulsating and a normal blood flow. The man had been cured without surgery or medication, but his lack of common sense to heed to wise advice had almost been his doom. Do you find yourself more receptive to good advice or enslaved by your sinful habits?

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