But every man is tempted, when he is
drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin:
and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Craig Brian Larson from one of his illustrations said that, “Ocean water contains seven times more salt than the human body can safely ingest. Drinking it, a person dehydrates because the kidneys demand extra water to flush the overload of salt. The more salt water someone drinks, the thirstier he gets. He actually dies of thirst. When we lust, we become like this man. We thirst desperately for something that looks like what we want. We don’t realize, however, that it is precisely the opposite of what we really need. In fact, it can kill us.” Be content with what you have and in the process of life, delight yourself in the sight of the Lord because He will give you the desires of your heart. Lust after what appears to be what you desire, and it just might the death of you.

This is absolutely right! We must daily remind ourselves to set our minds on things above and not on things here on passing Earth (Col. 3:2). This is all but temporal - nothing to last! Thus, our sense of sufficiency must always be focused in Christ! Thanks for this beautiful devotional - God bless po :) -- Dulce
It is so hard for everyone to see what great what we really need, we are surrounded by fake wants and we need to stand above that!
Thanxs pastor Junds
tita Judy
so timely, especially in this time of the year where we see a lot of stores going on sale!!!! how is this? yes, we tend to buy things that we don't really need and ending up in bad debt! (that would be financial "death").
one thing more, i've noticed with myself is that the more I get material things the more I crave for more... God bless
thanks for this reminder!
i failed to read this devotional when it was first posted. boy, am i glad to read this now! this will keep us reminded especially at this time of the year, Christmas, when everyone expects receiving something. YES, christians, we have to be reminded because we sometimes focus on material things or on things we wished to receive and not on the what God can give. earthly things gives temporary relief and superficial happiness. yet, God gives us joy. peace, and comfort that no one nor anything can surpass. CRAVE FOR GOD.
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