And the LORD replied,
"I will personally go with you, Moses.
I will give you rest —
everything will be fine for you."

Moses had actually begged God to go with him because he wanted to guarantee that the world would know for sure that his mission came directly from God. Surely, it should’ve been enough that God promised him that everything would be fine. After all, Moses was even given a bonus of rest and assurance! Harriet Beecher Stowe, upon seeing the suffering of American pre-Civil War slaves transcribed their stories into Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In a matter of months, the book was translated into other languages and it took three giant printing presses running non-stop to keep up with demand. The famed book played a major role in the nearly impossible task of abolishing slavery. That impossible task became possible when God became part of the equation. Certainly there are things in your life that seem impossible. Always remember that with God, even the most impossible challenges you’re facing become possible when God goes with you and carries you through the storm.

Hi P.Junds,
Yup! With God all things are possible...all"Mission:Possible"
Here's one of my life verse...Php 4:12-13 Ate Lily C.
amen !
all things are possible if you put god in the equation =]
oh just read this... this is what I really need! thank you for the encouragement.
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