Not that I was ever in need,
for I have learned how to
get along happily
whether I have much or little.

Arthur Tonne once told story about the Japanese legend, “Hasnu The Stonecutter.” While Hasnu was carving stone, he began to feel miserable and weary, and in his weariness he began to wish for easier work… and more money. He saw the King riding the royal horse and he dreamed of what it would like to be king – and his wish was suddenly granted. But while riding on the royal horse, Hasnu became miserable from the sun beating down on his head and neck. He realized that the sun was stronger than a king, so he wished to be the sun – and his wish was granted. But as he shone down, a cloud formed and in a very short time the cloud burst and rained itself over land and mountain, running down the creeks and rivers, moving everything in its path except a huge stone. Yes, of course, that stone was mightier than the water, so he wished to be a stone – and his wish was granted. As he became the stone along came a man with a hammer and a chisel; and that man began to powerfully hack and shape the stone. And Hasnu realized that the stonecutter was mightier than the stone. It was then that Hasnu realized the power of a stonecutter and he found contentment in his finding. If you're are a child of God, your journey will feature many ups and downs – and you may feel envious of others along the way. Enjoy your life and know that God knows your beginning, your end, your strengths and your weaknesses. He will guide you along as you, much like Hasnu, find yourself.

God is the author & finisher... what more can you ask for? The best writer is writing your autobiography.
this is very true. men are so discontent with what they have; thus, they deviate from God's course for them until it's too late to realize that indeed God is right for giving them this and that. let's us be satisfied with what we are or what we have right now for as long as we use it for God's glory. be assured that if God sees that we have done well in what He has given us then He would give us another task or blessing much important and better than the first one. why? it's because He now knows we are worth it.
i agree with you blogger JAS. very well said! =) the happiest people i've seen are those that don't have much. yet they give and share.
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