This great dragon – the ancient serpent
called the Devil, or Satan,
the one deceiving the whole world –
was thrown down to the earth with all his angels.

Have you ever been deceived? Have you ever been led to believe something that you later found out was a lie? At the core of that deception sits Satan or one of his fallen angels. Fallen angels are spiritual beings that continuously manipulate people to lie and deceive. They'll even use people's faith in religions to try and implement their devilish schemes. Revelations 13:4 teaches, “They worshiped the dragon for giving the beast such power, and they worshiped the beast. ‘Is there anyone as great as the beast?’ they exclaimed. ‘Who is able to fight against him?’” If you’ve come to believe that a way into heaven is through doing good deeds, through being a member of a church, or through not doing anything bad – then you’ve been deceived. Read the Word of God, you’ll easily find that Jesus is the only way.

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