Let those who are wise understand these things.
Let those who are discerning listen carefully.
The paths of the LORD are true and right,
and righteous people live by walking in them.
But sinners stumble and fall along the way.

George S. Forest, Canada's most prominent champion of French-language rights wrote:
If there are a hundred steps
In thy path to success
And ye have not reached it
In ninety-nine of them
Do not conclude
That the journey is a failure
Press on and up...
the prizes are generally at the end of an effort
not at its beginning...
And not to go on
Is to miss them
Be valiant...
Have faith in yourself
Success belongs to him
Who dares to win it
While these are some beautiful and inspiring words, I believe that the plan of God and His path for your life is missing from Forest's words. The path the Lord has for you is true and right, and as children of God we are commanded to walk in that path. Success doesn't begin by having faith in yourself, it begins by having faith in the One that can grant you the successful victory.

amen.... "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." acts 20:24
God has his visions planned out for us... and all we need to do is persevere and have faith in Jesus Christ. we can't succeed if we don't let Jesus let control of our lives.
just continue on the race that God has planned and say "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Tim. 4:7
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