And of some have compassion,
making a difference.

Do you want to make a difference in the world? Try being compassionate. So many times, Jesus had compassion for those in need and he made a difference in the lives of people by healing them, forgiving them and performing all kinds of miracles. To Him, those actions probably didn’t feel like miracles, but rather they were just regular actions mirroring what Jesus had in Him for others. We don’t need to offer products or services to others to make a difference. After all, we’ve already got something in us that others don’t have. Whenever we extend a Godly compassion to people, it’s a miracle for anybody that receives it. Have you shown how compassionate you can be today?

AMEN! There's something that we possess that no one can buy. And that is Jesus. He helps us make miracles by showing compassion. GOD BLESS!
Amen! Let's practice compassion like Jesus did in all aspects of our life :)
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