Not even a sparrow,
worth only half a penny
can fall to the ground
without your Father knowing it.
And the very hairs on your head
are all numbered.
So don't be afraid;
you are more valuable to him
than a whole flock of sparrows.

Abortion is at the center of what appears to be a never ending political debate. Does a human embryo have the right to life, or does a woman carrying that very embryo have the right to choose to end the life of that embryo? There’s always been an attempt to rationalize whether or not an embryo is alive. This is the dilemma that people face when the option of abortion emerges. When laws are passed, legal precedent then follows. The solution is available by the very means of the law itself. Note the following law protecting an embryo: "Federal protection of eagles is not limited to the live birds. It extends to their eggs, nests and dead carcasses as well. Not only is it especially unlawful to kill these birds, but federal law also prohibits the mere possession of one feather from an eagle without a government permit." When lined up for comparison, it’s apparent that an eagle's embryo has better legal protection than a human embryo. The laws protecting eagles are certainly reasonable, but how much more sense would it make to value the life of a person?

so true...
AMEN, that's soo true.
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