But as for me,
I will sing about your power.
I will shout with joy each morning
because of your unfailing love.
For you have been my refuge,
a place of safety
in the day of distress.

Morning ought to feel fresh because a new day has arrived. For the most important meal of the day, we eat "breakfast" because we're "breaking the fast" which occurred overnight to physically feed our bodies. Some folks start their day off with a simple hot coffee and a newspaper. While breakfast feeds our physical bodies, we often neglect our spiritual selves by not having any spiritual food. I’d once read story about a grade school teacher that asked her class if there were any students who hadn’t eaten breakfast. A 9-year old boy raised his hand. The teacher asked the boy why he hadn’t eaten and the boy replied, "In our home we don’t eat ’til we've eaten spiritual food, so I was late getting up this morning and I had to leave right after the spiritual food, so I haven’t had any breakfast.” Make time for yourselves everyday to get some spiritual food into your systems. Just having that short time with God could make all the difference in how your day goes.

amen.... thank you:D
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