Give to Caesar what belongs to him.
But everything that belongs to God
must be given to God.

What do you spend your money on? I’ve personally seen people go literally from rags to riches. There was a man that I knew who was bankrupt that began praying for God to bless him in some way. He began serving the Lord through his church becoming part of all the church activities. Because of his faithfulness, the Lord started to pour out blessings onto this man. Later on, however, because of time constraints from the blessings upon his businesses, he began retreating from his church responsibilities, activities and ministries. It’s just like an old story I'd heard about a little boy that was on his way to the church with two nickels – one for the Lord and one for himself. On the way to church he accidentally dropped one of the nickels into a sewage drain and said, “Well, there goes the Lord’s nickel.” Sadly, this seems to be a typical human response. It seems that the Lord’s share in our lives is always the piece that's at stake when we become busy with the blessings He bestows to us. Be blessed and get your priorities straight. Give to God what must be given to God – His fair share.

Wow, AMEN!
God bless!
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