I wanted to let all of you know that my 93 year old grandmother passed away on Sunday evening. She knew Christ as her Lord, and I'm certain that while her friends and family are sad that she is gone, the heavens are throwing a big party for her recent arrival. She was a major factor in my salvation and my becoming a pastor. Please pray for my wife and I as we travel to the Philippines this evening for this family emergency, and for my children who will be apart from us and staying with close family and friends in the Metropolitan NYC area. Blogs will be posted as usual everyday at 7pm. Be sure to forward postings that have moved you in some way to your friends, and to add yourself as blog follower.
Blessings to all of you,
Pastor Jundy Bautista

AMEN! We understand how your grandma died and I'll pray for and your grandma. God gave her the time and she's always with you guys just as Jesus Christ is with us. WE LOVE YOU PASTOR!
Godbless & traveling mercies to the PI... the heavens are rejoicing as your grandma joins the Lord up there :)
AMEN! We're all praying for you & we'll miss you. God bless and can't wait until we all get to party up there! =)
we'll definitely pray for you pjunds & tita joy (:
God Bless!!!
Condolences from our church and my family. WELCOME BACK TO THE PHILIPPINES BROTHER...HAPPY TO SEE YOU AGAIN.
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