The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine. Saul said to David, "Go, and the Lord be with you."

1 Samuel 17:37 features a very young David, not yet a King, volunteering to face the gigantic archenemy of his countrymen. Although he was young and inexperienced, David assured King Saul that God would deliver him from Goliath because the Lord had previously moved in his life by protecting him from a lion and bear while shepherding a flock. I'm reminded of the man-of-war, which is a creature that looks a lot like a jelly fish. At a glance, the man-o-war appears to be harmless, but on it's underbelly it has deadly poisonous tentacles. One of the most interesting things about this sea creature is that it's accompanied by a shepherd fish. When a larger fish would attempt to devour the smaller shepherd fish, the man-of-war would protect the smaller fish by stinging and paralyzing the larger fish with its venomous underbelly tentacles. In much the same way, David the shepherd protected his flock from its giant enemy, with the full knowledge that he was being protected by the Great Shepherd, the Lord God. Remain cognizant that when you move with faith and are committed to the kingdom of God, our Father in heaven is with you and will be faithful to protect you without fail.

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