Proverbs 25:17
Don't visit your neighbors too often, or you will wear out your welcome.

Visiting our fellow Christian family, friends and neighbors can be such a sweet fellowship experience, but when that privilege is abused, it is likely lost. Sometimes we visit too often; sometimes we stay too long; sometimes we bring along people that weren't invited; sometimes we just very plainly expect too much of our hosts and even go as far as to question their mindset. There's an old adage that says, "Power leads to abuse of power, and abuse of power leads to loss of power." Using the same thought process we can postulate that, "Privilege leads to abuse of privilege, and abuse of privilege leads to a loss of privilege." Abusing this privilege may lead to our hosts thinking, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" upon our departure. To avoid this, we need to understand the unwritten and unspoken limitations of our neighbors. If you do this with everything, you'll maintain better relationships and leave the door open for deeper and more meaningful fellowships.

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