O Lord, have mercy on me; heal me, for I have sinned against you.

Have you been ill? Not feeling right in some way? Do you have any kind of pain? If you're like most people, you answered "Yes" to at least one of those questions. I'm reminded of an exchange between a physician and a patient that happened to be a stand-up comic. The doctor said his patient, “You seem to be coughing with more difficulty.” The comedian replied, “That’s surprising because I’ve been practicing all night!” It's a silly anecdote, but there isn’t a person that doesn’t need healing in some way. Pharmaceutical drug companies earn billions of dollars taking advantage of people's desire for healing. In fact, man will forever be caught in the vicious cycle of searching for cures while creating ailments. In God's eyes, the very source of sickness and ailment is sin and the cure is repentance. So if you're looking for the kind of healing that only supernatural healing could provide, take up your Bible and get right with God.

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