Store your treasures in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves.

I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of treasure hunting expeditions and on each of those journeys I could easily see the bottomless pit of man's desire for riches and wealth. When Alexander the Great died, his armies had already conquered most of the known world. His armies had defeated the mighty King Darius of Persia and taken all of his kingdom's spoils, and then continued their conquering ways across Asia. Alexander the Great, however, kept for himself only one item from the war's booty: a small jeweled box that housed an original copy of The Iliad. The value of this book to Alexander could hardly ever be overestimated. In the same manner, we should also keep a valuable book for ourselves that washed us and freed us from sin: the Bible. Throughout the centuries, it's been the treasure chest of wisdom from God. There's no need to go on treasure hunting expeditions when you've got the Holy Word close to your heart. Whether you're searching for riches, guidance or inner peace, read the Bible and you'll find the map that will lead you wherever it is you're meant to go.

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