God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.

There isn't a day that goes by without a war going on somewhere in the world. Right now as you read this, there is a war going on somewhere and worse yet, every second of everyday, there are crimes being committed somewhere on the planet by someone. Some may be asking, "Why is this the case and how could this possibly be true?" The simple answer to those questions is that the sin that triggers evil behavior runs deep in our blood. While there is no remedy for the kinds of decisions that lead to a life of crime or a society at war because of sin, we know that a person's character and decision-making ability is developed early on as a child. Our sinful ways, character flaws, falling morals, questionable ethics and lack of integrity are things that have been handed down to us by our parents and by the social climate of those precious developmental years. It's because of these personal challenges that the Word teaches us in Romans 12:18 that, “As much as it is possible, live in peace with everyone.” In spite of our sinful ways, we still have an obligation to correct our behavior and to try our best to live in peace with everyone is a great place to start.

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