It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God
called him to leave home and go to another land
that God would give him as his inheritance.
He went without knowing where he was going.

Have you ever wondered why parents don’t trust their kids with big stuff? It's probably because when they gave their children responsibilities to do something small, their kids didn’t always obey the instructions completely. God wants to entrust us with the many blessings that He had prepared for us from the beginning of time, but we never seem to obey His instructions fully. There's a story about when the WWII broke out where Great Britain sent requests to Australia to build ships. The Australians did not build ships, but rather they sowed seeds with the intent to reap the harvest and send food to it's motherland. Well, the incredible harvest came in and it was time to send the grain to Great Britain as help, but there were no ships available. Eventually, mice got to the waiting grain and soon after found their way to towns, villages and cities, carrying diseases with them that would damage people’s eyes and blind some, as well. The moral of that story is that an intended blessing can be a curse without obedience and if instructions aren’t followed. When we do obey, however, the blessings and the joy are entrusted without fail.
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