What makes us think that we can escape
if we are indifferent to this great salvation
that was announced by the Lord Jesus himself?
It was passed on to us by those who heard him speak

I read a story about a campus revival at a university many years ago. One of the students that was convicted by the Holy Spirit to receive Christ asked the university president, “Sir, I have made up my mind to consider the claims of Christ. Now what would you do next?” The elder replied, “I would wait until the excitement of the revival had subsided, and then I would think it out.” The student answered, “That is exactly what I will do.” The tale ends with that student dying, but never coming to know the Lord. Don't let what could be a final opportunity to know Christ personally pass by the wayside. Don't let what could be a final opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel with your friends and family members that may not be headed to heaven. Don’t gamble with time. 2 Corinthians 6:2 says, “For God says, ‘At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you. Indeed, God is ready to help you right now. Today is the day of salvation.’”
God has always Perfect timing...
i had an experience of being in a situation where I could have an opportunity of sharing Jesus to a a schoolmate. Because of fear and shyness, I remained silent. Until now, I don't know where she is and I don't know if she came to know the Lord. The guilt that I have is still in my heart everytime I am reminded of her. I know Jesus was not pleased with me at that very moment. May this won't happen to anyone. Let us be bold in sharing Jesus.
dont gamble with time.
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