And you must love the Lord your God
with all your heart, all your soul,
all your mind, and all your strength.

The Gospel Herald once printed a story about a little boy who said that he loved his mother, “With all his strength.” A reporter asked the boy what he meant by, “With all his strength.” He answered, “You see, we live on the fourth floor and our building doesn’t have an elevator, and the coal is kept down in the basement. Since my mother is busy all the time and she isn’t very strong, I see to it that the coal hold is never empty. I haul the coal up four flights of stairs all by myself and it takes all my strength to get it up there.” Love isn’t just a word, it’s an action word that requires effort to portray. Ephesians 5:25 tells us, “And you husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. He gave up his life for her.” How much action do you put behind your proclamations of love? Ironically, the amount of action that you put behind your love tells you about how much you value that which you love. In the simplest of terms, if you really love something or someone, your actions will speak louder than your words.
actions speak louder than words.
Love is definitely an action word. I truely believe this blog says it all. To truely show someone you love them is to show how much you can do for them through your actions. Loving someone is not all about telling them because I've experienced first hand how far words will go, and it's not far enough. I encourage all who love someone dearly to show them through your actions and do something small or something big depending on how much you love them.
love without action is a lie.
Love is clearly pictured in I Cor. 13.
and the greatest love of all is Christ nailed on the cross for me...for us. Instead of me paying for my sins... He took my place of punishment. Isn't that LOVE?
i totally agree with "anonymous" at 9:54am. it's really important to note that Christ's actions were totally and completely louder than any words could say. he was NAILED to a CROSS for EVERYONE'S SIN. actions speak louder than words.
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