Do for others what you would like them to do for you.
This is a summary of all that is taught
in the law and the prophets.

A rabbi once taught me, “Do not do to thy neighbor what is hateful to thyself.” Socrates said, “What stirs your anger when done to you by others that do not do to others.” Confucius said, “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” You will notice the difference between Jesus’ approach and these well known philosophies. Jesus’ teaching is positive in nature and action-oriented while the others are negative in nature and passive response-oriented. He said to act and "do" something, as opposed to refraining to "not do" something. A fair act is not about being passive, but rather it's about being positive and active. James 4:17 said, “Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.” Be like Jesus, be fair, positive and pro-active in nature. It can change your entire outlook. It can change the world around you.
This speaks volumes to me..for this is how and what I have always based my life on. In this day and time..I still do and believe this..but see and feel.. so many have stopped living this way. It's really sad..than even family members have forgotten God's instructions in how to live... at all times in life.
There seems to be a boldness of disrespect (of per say) "Coming out of the woodwork"! It is spreading like wild fire! A great example of this.... has been on TV...of all things... watching the debates. When a man who stands before America and points at the other candidate..and is referred to as "THAT ONE". What does that tell us?
It tells me... That this is a very scary time in this world..when this is witnessed by people from all over the world. Yet..this man is asking for respect from other countries.
What kind of witness is coming from a so called Christian. I am shocked and worried. What would Jesus do? Please..please think long and hard about this. As I was taught and from the scriptures..THIS IS NOT "A FAIR ACT"!
Thank You, May God Bless you and America,
"Prayer Warrior"
be pro-active!!!
let us all [LOL] Love Out Loud
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