And the LORD said to Moses, "Come up to me on the mountain.
Stay there while I give you the tablets of stone that
I have inscribed with my instructions and commands.
Then you will teach the people from them."

Every home should have house rules and every family member should be expected to follow the rules made by the head of the household. These rules shouldn’t be meant for control, but for the safety and success of every member of the family. The Ten Commandments were given not to a nation, but to the family of Abraham to whom God said would be the father of many nations that would be blessed. Before the Lord gave the blessings and the Promised Land, God gave His commandments. These were like the house rules for his children. That’s why obedience to God is so important because it’s only in obedience where the promises of God are realized. Children, obey God's house rules and your parents in the Lord, for this is right and will lead to a peaceful life.
i think this is a great devotional but wat if the house rules go against the 10 commandments? my daddy isnt saved and he swears to God all the time gets drunk and is just a sad sad man. i wana help him, but he's mad at God so he ends up mad at me cuz i love God. neways i guess my life isnt so peaceful but i keep hopin it will be.
house rules... i don't like 'em, but i know i need 'em! :-p
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