The sun has one kind of glory,
while the moon and stars each have another kind.
And even the stars differ from each other
in their beauty and brightness.

Every creation of God has its own glory and man is one of those creations. In fact, man is so unique in design because God breathed into man giving each person a living soul. Our souls are the reason that we are so loved by God, so don’t compare yourself to others because we are all unique individuals in God's eyes. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 10:12, “When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” Life is a long journey, don’t try to measure what is immeasurable. You just have to remember that as a creation of God, you have your own glory in Him.
whooooaaaaa!!!! Glory to God. This is one of the reason why we should celebrate and be content of why God designed us the way we are now!
don't measure what's immeasurable.
our god is awesome!
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