Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly
that in the last times some will
turn away from what we believe;
they will follow lying spirits and
teachings that come from demons.

There's a silly story I'd heard about a man explaining why he never bought into the idea of calling on the spirits of the dead. There was a time that he'd visited a medium and asked her to call upon a friend, a man who was a great scholar of extreme intelligence. When the alleged spirit arrived and spoke, the man asked the spirit, “Are you my friend?” The spirit replied, “I sure is.” The man said “You are not, because if you were the friend that I know, you would have used proper grammar.” That’s a silly anecdote, but there are many people that believe in fortune telling. Truth be told, fortune tellers themselves don’t even know their own fortune. The Bible tells us that these are lying spirits. Just trust in God and everything will be fine. Leave horoscopes and fortune telling for those that wouldn't know any better.
oh i REALLY needed this!
horoscopes are baaaaaaaaad.
amen !
only god knows what lies in our future...
what's good yo. palm readers, tarot cards, fortune tellers, tea leaves, and on, are all for fools. get wit Jeeeezus. aight, i'm out.
i LOVE that verse! =D
great stuff!
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