A foolish child brings grief to
a father and bitterness to a mother.

I'd recently read a story about an unhappy and frustrated schoolteacher that resigned her post. When asked of her thoughts regarding her reasons for her feelings, she made the following statement, “In our public schools today, the teachers are afraid of the principals, the principals are afraid of the superintendents, the superintendents are afraid of the board, the board members are afraid of the parents, the parents are afraid of the children, and the children are afraid of nobody.” The Bible teaches us in Proverbs 22:6 to, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” It's quite obvious that when we disregard the guidance from the Word on raising children, that a vicious cycle can and will rear it's ugly head. Christian parents need to remember that if they raise their children as the Bible teaches them, their children will bring heaps of happiness into their homes and wisdom into their later years.

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