He is the Holy Spirit,
who leads into all truth.
The world at large
cannot receive him,
because it isn't looking for him
and doesn't recognize him.
But you do, because he lives
with you now and later will be in you.

All around us are members of the media, authors, bloggers, scientists, philosophers and columnists that would have us believe that the Bible isn't the Word of God, that God doesn't exist and that man as we understand it today is a product of evolution. It's really no surprise because the Bible has actually already warned us about people negating His existence because lies have been stored up in their mind. You see, it's only when a person recognizes Christ as savior, and allows the Holy Spirit to work in their lives that the truth becomes known. Only at that point can the world at large recognize the existence of God, who He really is and how He moves in our lives.

Thank you & God bless!
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