Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell you
that you will see God's glory if you believe?"

Sometimes because of the choices we make, we might live a somewhat schizophrenic Christian/non-Christian lifestyle. While living with the choices made, we might even begin to see that what we faithfully know is not reflected in how we live or behave. We move knowing full well that hell is real, but we behave as if it isn't a threat to those around us. We know that people around us will be headed to hell without knowing Christ, but we behave without warning them. We know the truth of Jesus Christ, but we behave deceitfully by allowing lies to come from our mouths and exist in lives. Jesus taught us that if we would just believe, we would get to see the glory. Without a doubt, it's no wonder that people don’t see the glory - they're not living like they believe. Take some time today to figure out if you're living like you're a believer. It'll definitely be time well spent.

Amen! doubt no longer, but believe. John 20:27
God Bless =)
AMEN! praise GOD and Believers of GOD
Wow! AMEN.
Thank you!
God bless always.
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