But among you it should be quite different.
Whoever wants to be a leader among you
must be your servant, and whoever wants
to be first must become your slave.

You know that you're on your way to being a good leader if you're aware of how the least among your people is feeling. The difficulty behind being a "servant leader" is that as a true servant, you must be available at all times to serve, while as a leader one must always be aware that people are following you. Amazingly, our Lord Jesus Christ has lived this type of leadership up to this very present moment. He told us, “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” and “I will be with you always unto the end of the world.” To lead as Jesus would, you must always be present to be followed and you must always be present to serve. These two are inseparable and the results of the combination are miraculous.

amen (:
Thank you & God bless!
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