But these things I plan
won't happen right away.
Slowly, steadily, surely,
the time approaches when
the vision will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow, wait patiently,
for it will surely take place.
It will not be delayed.

It is a very natural desire to try to get everything we want, the way we want it, and at the time we want it to happen. When we pursue our personal desires in this way, we put our own actions and desires ahead of the Lord’s plan for our lives. Instead of working with God, we rush ahead of God's plan thereby missing the beauty behind the mysterious ways He unravels His plan for our lives right before our very eyes. God said He that would fulfill His promise to us slowly, steadily and surely. Trust His Word because it is pure and without error. Remember to be patient as He unveils Himself in your life.

God's timing is perfect!
God bless!
amen (:
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