That evening the disciples came to Jesus and said,
"This place is like a desert, and it is already late.
Let the crowds leave, so they can go to the farms and
villages near here and buy something to eat."
Jesus replied, "You give them something to eat."
But they asked him, "Don't you know that
it would take almost a year's wages to
buy all of these people something to eat?"

Never ever underestimate what your neediest situations can do for you when it comes to blessings. The Lord Jesus Himself was moved with compassion when He saw the people's need for food, and He was inspired to give a challenging command to His disciples that was seemingly impossible to implement. Commands from God typically carry the weight of impossibility. However, you'll see from Mark 6 that the key to tackling seemingly insurmountable tasks is obedience and communion. Recognize your general inadequacy to complete His will in your power and then allow Him to use you to make the miracles happen. That's how the disciples fed the masses that day. How do you respond when you feel that God has placed you in an uncomfortable situation with a command that you would deem difficult to follow?

1 comment:
Wow, Thank you!
Amen & God bless!
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