Have you lost your senses?
After starting your
Christian lives in the Spirit,
why are you now trying to become
perfect by your own human effort?

A man once approached Charles Spurgeon asking if he could join the saintly preacher's church because he felt that Spurgeon's church was just perfect. The preacher told this man that he knew for sure that there were many good people in his church, but that there could possibly be a Judas among them. After all, Jesus Himself had a Judas within his small group. The pastor then realized the implications of their conversation and he told this man, "If you should happen to find a perfect church, I beg of you not to join it. It might spoil the whole thing." We just can't expect the body of Christ to be perfect because every person within the body is handicapped by sin. In regards to perfection, however, we can always expect our imperfect churches to be loved by Christ our perfect savior, the Holy Spirit our perfect encourager and the Father with perfect timing.

amen !
AMEN, God is GOOD.
Thank you!
God bless!
Amen. No one is perfect among us
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