But I am not surprised!
Even Satan can disguise
himself as an angel of light.

2 Corinthians 11:14 is a warning to the "religious." The verse also acts to encourage people to make the Word of God the standard of their personal belief systems. Upon recently visiting my local city hall, I noticed new brochures on display that educated residents about security markings on cash because of a recent burst of counterfeit bills into our local economy. Similarly to counterfeit bills, there are people that will offer false teachings that will appear to agree with the Lord Jesus, His teachings and His words. They will sometimes appeal to you in His name, using His practices. They might even behave the way you think a Christian would behave and even look the way you think a Christian would look. Don't fret, however, because the Word of God can be used to identify the "security markings" of the truth given to us by the Bible. Take the time to read the Bible, to meditate upon the Word and let Him reign throughout your life. Do these things and you'll have no problem detecting a spiritual counterfeits that will try to fool you.

thanks pjunds(:
God bless!
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