Then the Lord said to Cain,
"Where is your brother Abel?"
"I don't know," he replied.
"Am I my brother's keeper?"

When envy and selfishness reign, death will no doubt soon follow after, but when love and compassion is lived out, abundant life will certainly begin. Cain chose envy and selfishness over love and compassion. Had he chosen to love his brother instead of succumbing to his fleshly desires, he would have found life with Abel to be fruitful because when two are together in one accord it is always better than being alone. Thomas S. Stewart’s story was that he was a blind man who studied law at McGill. His brother, William, became his eyes and ears throughout all the different phases of college life. Thomas graduated as the valedictorian of his class, while William finished second. Their story is a testament to how two can work together to achieve greatness.

What a powerful story :)
It all comes down to LOVE
And God is love..
Thats a beautiful story! I will share it in church soon, Thanks.
Amen! Amazing story!
Thank you!
¡esta historia es asombrosa! ¡Dios es asombroso! cuando trabajamos juntos, los milagros pueden pasar. elogie al Señor. ¡en nombre del Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo! ¡amén!
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