Temptation comes from the
lure of our own evil desires.
These evil desires lead to evil actions,
and evil actions lead to death.

Our original paths and design were always meant for success – that is, until the devil was allowed to have part in our systems by man's disobedience to God. When Satan voice was allowed into man's life, alliances with Satan were unknowingly forged. Since then, evil has reigned in the lives of man and our paths corrupted. The Bible teaches us in Romans 7:5 that, “When we were controlled by our old nature, sinful desires were at work within us, and the law aroused these evil desires that produced sinful deeds, resulting in death.” The enemy will keep on tempting us to trigger the timeless sinful nature that's within us. The way to keep that old nature dead is to keep our new nature strong by feeding upon the Word. Allowing our new nature to thrive will keep us on the path of success and away from the temptation that leads to death.

Sometimes we could be our own enemy, but if we continue to trust God with our lives, we're in the best hands ever.
Amen. Let us be connected with Jesus always in everything that we do or even in any circumstance.
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