It was by faith that Enoch was
taken up to heaven without dying —
"suddenly he disappeared
because God took him."
But before he was taken up,
he was approved as pleasing to God.

There are those among us that would tell people that there are many different ways to get into heaven. Religions or good deeds are the typical ways that non-believers would suggest to reach heaven. Unfortunately, to propose such a thought would be among the biggest frauds that religions could lead a person to believe. Make no mistake, religious leaders that preach that a religion or good works can get you into heaven are guilty for the hell bound souls that never heard the truth because of their lies. There's a funny story I'd heard about a factory foreman inspecting a shipment of crystal vases that said to a helpful newly hired packager, "I see you did what I asked. You stamped the top of each box, 'This Side Up, Handle With Care.'" The packer responded, "Yes sir, and just to make sure, I stamped it on the bottom, too." Don't add to or subtract from the Word. The confusion caused may leave you with someone's blood on your hands.

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